
Peace Corps Costa Rica – TEFL

    Although Costa Rica stands out amongst Latin American countries for its high levels in literacy, (96.1%)[1], the country still faces challenges with the quality, scope and depth of English language programs in public schools. In 2008, 11.3% of public high school graduates tested had an intermediate to advanced command of English and 33% of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica (MEP) English teachers had the minimum level for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).


In response to an ever increasing demand for English language proficiency in the global economy, the government of Costa Rica (GCR) launched a national plan for English in 2007 and created Costa Rica Multilingüe (CRML) (Executive Decree 34425-MEP-COMEX, 2008), an agency which functions to coordinate English language programs around the country. Based on a direct request from the CRG and aligned with the national plan for English, Peace Corps and MEP have partnered in this project.


This project supports Costa Rican national and local priorities with the following purpose, goals and objectives:



Project Purpose:  Costa Ricans will improve their English.


GOAL 1. Improve Teaching
Objective 1.1 Improve Teachers’ Communication Skills.
Objective 1.2


Improve Teachers’ Instructional Practice.
GOAL 2 Increase Student Success
Objective 2.1 Improve Student Achievement and Participation in the English Classroom.
Objective 2.2 Improve Student Achievement, Participation and Leadership Skills through English Extra Curricular Activities.



Peace Corps Costa Rica (PCCR) partners with MEP, CRML and INA at the national level. At the local level, Volunteers primarily work with English teachers, principals and English advisors of MEP and INA. The project primarily relies on TEFL generalists to collaborate with Costa Rican English teachers in the delivery of primary project activities. Regional English advisors and highly trained TEFL specialists support the Volunteers. Volunteers receive an 11-week pre-service training in technical, security, medical, language and cross-cultural components as well as two in-service trainings.


Geographically, the project focuses on high needs, underserved and/or marginalized populations in accordance with PCCR’s national strategic plan and Host Country priorities. Priority communities include those with the low literacy rates, high poverty rates and marginalized/transient populations and have sites that meet PCCR site criteria.


-Kevin Brown

TEFL Program Manager

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